For those who suffer from allergies, exposure to pets, pollen, or dust mites can quickly lead to red, itchy, watery eyes. Although seasonal allergies are notorious for causing eye symptoms, year-round exposure to allergens can be just as problematic. If you develop itchy, red, irritated, puffy, or watery eyes, make an appointment to see your…

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Macular degeneration represents one of the most significant causes of vision loss in older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1.8 million people currently suffer from macular degeneration, with an additional 7.3 million people at risk of developing this condition. Understanding the causes of and treatments for macular degeneration…

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If you have experienced scratchy, irritated eyes that are easily fatigued, you may have a medical condition called dry eye. Dry eye is characterized by inadequate tears to lubricate the eye surface and protect it. While some people dismiss dry eye as a minor irritation, it can be a sign of more significant underlying problems…

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Although glasses are often a lower maintenance choice, many people choose to wear contacts for comfort or aesthetic reasons. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, contacts are a safe, easy way to correct your vision to 20/20. With a variety of options to choose from, getting contacts may seem confusing. Consider your options and consult…

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Choosing laser eye surgery is a big decision. Whatever your treatment goal, proper preparation before surgery will help you obtain optimal results, speed up recovery, and minimize potential risks. If you’ve done your homework, then this advanced procedure can lead to a quick and healthy recovery. Here’s a guide to how to prepare for your…

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When they’re great, the correct pair of glasses perfectly complements your face and seamlessly facilitates your experience of the visual world. When they are not the right prescription or hastily chosen, glasses can be uncomfortable, cause headaches, detract from your appearance, and become a nuisance that distracts from everyday life. A few easy tips can…

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It’s easy to take vision for granted when the eyes perform flawlessly. However, when eye problems crop up, it’s hard not to wonder how the eyes work. In a properly functioning eye, a number of elements must cooperate perfectly to create good vision; just one malfunctioning factor in this instantaneous process can cause blurry vision,…

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Conjunctivitis is by no means limited only to children. An infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva — the membrane within the eyelid and protecting the white aspect of our eyes — can occur in individuals of any age secondary to an infection, an allergic reaction or chemical irritation. Infectious conjunctivitis can be the result of…

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According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), beginning approximately around the age of 40, most adults begin to experience age-related vision changes collectively known as presbyopia. The most common symptom first experienced by sufferers is usually an increase in the difficulty of clearly seeing items at close distances, such as reading books or text on…

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Contacts are a smart choice for individuals who are active and dislike the feeling of wearing glasses. However, the process of caring for contacts and getting used to them can take a week or two. Navigate the transition with ease by learning how to properly care for contacts and becoming familiar with common symptoms that…

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