Frames for Your Lifestyle

By Joe Berkely | |

After learning that you need prescription lenses, finding glasses that best suit your looks may be paramount in your mind. Although finding the right frame shape for your face is essential, understanding the types of frames that best fit your lifestyle is equally important. With the largest eyewear manufacturer producing 65 million frames per year,…

Managing Your Family’s Eye Health

By Joe Berkely | |

Managing your family’s eye health is a big responsibility, especially in large households with many generations. You want each member of your family to enjoy the benefits of good eyesight throughout their entire lives. Eye care needs change throughout life, with children requiring different care than their grandparents. With a little preparation, however, you can…

Considering Laser Vision Correction?

By Joe Berkely | |

Since the infancy of laser vision correction services in the 1980s, the field has made leaps and bounds in increasing the safety and efficacy of these procedures. Today, over 28 million LASIK surgery procedures have been performed worldwide, reports the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Furthermore, 9 out of 10 patients achieve vision quality between 20/20…

Improved Peripheral Vision in Athletes

By Joe Berkely | |

Good peripheral vision is a commonly overlooked attribute in great athletes. Some say peripheral vision gave Wayne Gretzky his incredible on-ice awareness. Peripheral vision helps race car drivers know when to pour on the speed and allows baseball players to tag a runner out as he slides into third. Peripheral vision is important to your…

How Did I Get a Stye?

By Joe Berkely | |

A stye, medically known as a hordeolum, appears in the eyelid area as a red pimple-like bump, and is usually tender or painful. Styes typically occur near the lash line (external hordeolum), but can also appear on the underside of the eyelid (internal hordeolum). In addition to the telltale lump, a stye can cause swelling,…

Eyeball Licking: A Dangerous New Trend?

By Joe Berkely | |

In the summer of 2013, news spread quickly about a dangerous new trend, called “worming” or oculolinctus, and a serious outbreak of disease among Japanese youth. Upon further investigation, many news sources retracted or amended previously published stories, saying the stories of a sudden increase in illness were only a hoax. In popular culture and…